Planned Giving

The writer of Hebrews tells us that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses (12:1).

We at Red Clay know this to be true! The vitality and life that we now enjoy in our congregation come to us as a gift. They were shaped by the prayers, the ministries, and the sacrifices of others.

Consider those who first gathered for worship here nearly three centuries ago. Consider those who built our sanctuary and those who later expanded it. Consider those endured the turbulence of the Great Depression and suffered losses during the trials of wars. Consider those have laughed and celebrated with joy the incredibly good news that in Jesus, God loves us and has claimed us for all eternity.

We are the heirs of a powerful and living tradition, and through our gifts we are given the opportunity to pass this tradition on to others.

In this information about our planned giving program, you will discover how you can bless people not only today but in the future. Your financial investment in Christ's ministry at Red Clay will bear fruit for years to come: nurturing faith, welcoming strangers, offering hope, and transforming lives.

We hope you will consider contributing to our endowment for we, too, belong to that great cloud of witnesses!

Grace and peace,

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